Airport Sleeping Pods Guides

Kids Sleeping At Airport

Kids Sleeping At Airport

We’ve all been there: delayed flights, long layovers, or unexpected challenges causing us to spend more time in the airport than planned. Enduring these situations can be difficult, no matter our age. However, for families with young children, finding the right spot for their kids to sleep at the airport can be doubly challenging. This comprehensive guide to helping kids sleep comfortably at the airport will provide you everything from finding the perfect location to creating a cozy sleeping environment, and everything in between!

1. Find the perfect location:

Take a walk around the airport and look for the best place to set up your child’s sleeping area. Keep an eye out for quiet areas, away from the hustle and bustle of main walkways. Some airports have designated quiet areas, family rooms, or nursery spaces which can be perfect for settling your child to sleep.

2. Prepare a comfortable sleeping surface:

Airports are generally not designed with the most comfortable sleeping arrangements in mind, but that doesn’t mean you can’t create one. If you have a cozy, inflatable travel pillow for your child, this can come in handy. Alternatively, you can use a soft blanket or a folded jacket to provide cushioning and support beneath your child’s head.

3. Bring a familiar comfort item:

A favorite stuffed toy, security blanket, or even an item of your clothing (such as a scarf or shawl) that smells like home can provide immense comfort to children who may be disoriented or anxious about their unusual environment. Encourage your child to hold onto this item while they try to fall asleep.

4. Stay close and offer reassurance:

Your presence will be your child’s greatest comfort during this potentially stressful time. Make sure you remain by their side, holding their hand and speaking to them in quiet, soothing tones to help them feel secure and reassured in this unusual environment.

5. Block out noise and distractions:

Airports can be noisy places, and the sounds could inhibit your child’s ability to drift off to sleep. A pair of noise-canceling headphones or earplugs may come in handy. Alternatively, you can create white noise using an app on your smartphone or play calming lullabies or relaxation music to drown out the airport noise.

6. Dim the lights:

Bright lighting in airport terminals can be a barrier to sleep. If you are able to find a dimly lit area, position your child’s sleeping space there. Otherwise, you can use a sleep mask or a soft, lightweight scarf to cover their eyes, providing a comfortable and darkness-promoting environment.

Kids Sleeping At Airport Example:

Imagine you’re at a busy airport with your five-year-old, waiting for a connecting flight that’s been delayed for several hours. Your child is getting tired and cranky, and you’re struggling to find a spot where they can sleep. Following our guide, you locate a quiet corner near a empty gate and set up a makeshift bed using a folded jacket and a travel blanket. You give your child their favorite stuffed animal and put on some calming music with your headphones. By staying close and speaking soothingly to them, they feel safe and secure enough to drift off to sleep, making your layover significantly less stressful.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe for kids to sleep at an airport?

While airports are generally public and secure places, safety can depend on several factors including the airport’s location, the time of day, and the specific area within the airport. Supervision is crucial, and children should never be left alone while sleeping in an airport. It’s important to stay vigilant and choose a well-lit area with consistent foot traffic.

What should I bring to make sleeping at the airport more comfortable for my child?

Consider bringing a travel pillow, a familiar blanket or a favorite stuffed toy for comfort. Portable sleeping mats and warm clothing can also be beneficial. Noise-canceling headphones or earplugs might help drown out the ambient noise of the airport.

How can I ensure my child’s sleep is not interrupted by airport noise?

To minimize disturbance, look for quieter areas of the airport, such as near gates with no late-night departures or arrivals. Noise-canceling headphones or earplugs for older children can help. Some airports also offer designated rest zones which may offer a more tranquil environment.

Can I set up a small tent or sleeping pod for my child?

Most airports have strict rules against setting up tents or large structures. However, portable bed tents designed specifically for child travel seating may be permissible. Be sure to check the airport’s policy beforehand and always keep passage ways clear.

Are there any airport lounges that cater to families with children?

Yes, many airport lounges have family-friendly amenities. Some have designated play areas or quiet rooms suitable for sleeping. Always research the lounges available at your terminal and check if they allow access to travelers with children.

What if my child cannot fall asleep at the airport?

Make sure to have a backup plan which could include activities to quiet their mind, such as reading a book or listening to soothing music. Maintaining a nighttime routine, even at the airport, can also help signal to your child that it’s time for rest.

Is it acceptable to ask for a sleeping area within the airport?

You can ask, but such provisions are not standard at all airports. Some may have facilities available, especially if you’re traveling through large international hubs. Inquire at the airport information desk for any available options.

How can I keep our luggage secure while we are sleeping?

Always keep your luggage close at hand. Luggage with a locking mechanism can provide additional security. Consider taking turns sleeping if you’re traveling with another adult so that one person is awake to watch over your belongings.

Are there any tips for laying over with children during odd hours?

Yes, try to maintain a sense of calm. Prepare your child in advance for the overnight stay, and keep nighttime routines consistent. Also, have snacks and drinks ready in case they’re needed, and explore the airport to find the best spot to settle down.

What facilities can I expect at the airport for a night stay?

Facilities can vary widely, but some may include comfortable seating, quiet zones, 24-hour cafes, and occasionally, showers. Research the airport ahead of time to find out what will be available.

Should I inform airport staff if we plan to sleep overnight at the terminal?

It’s not required, but letting airport staff know could lead to helpful tips about where you can find a restful spot, and they can also keep an eye out for your safety and welfare.

Are there any health concerns I should be aware of when sleeping in public areas?

Hygiene is an important consideration. It’s advisable to use a travel mat or blanket rather than direct contact with seating or the floor. Keep sanitizers and wipes handy to maintain cleanliness, and be mindful of the potential spread of germs in public spaces.

Can I leave the airport during long layovers for better sleeping accommodations?

Depending on your travel documents and the country’s regulations, you may have the option to leave the airport during an extended layover. Make sure you have the required transit visa, if necessary, and be mindful of the time needed to return and pass through security checks.

How do I find quiet areas in the airport?

Scout the airport early for potential rest areas. Look for gates with no overnight flights, or ask airport staff for suggestions. Many airports have airport maps online that can help with planning ahead of your arrival.

Are there age restrictions for children sleeping in certain airport areas?

There are usually no age-specific restrictions for where children can sleep, but lounge access rules and other facility guidelines might have age-related policies. It’s always best to check in advance.

What should I do if flight announcements keep waking my child?

Try to find an area where announcements are less loud and frequent, or use ear protection for your child. Also, consider bringing an eye mask which can help communicate to airport staff that you are not to be disturbed unless necessary.

How can I handle diaper changes and feeding during the night in an airport?

For diaper changes, locate the restrooms with baby changing facilities ahead of time. For feeding, carry pre-prepared meals or snacks, and invest in an insulated bottle carrier if you require warm milk. Baby care rooms are also available in some airports for added privacy.

Could I get in trouble for sleeping in an airport?

As long as you’re not violating airport rules or creating an obstruction, sleeping in an airport during travel is usually not an issue. It’s important to always adhere to airport regulations and be respectful to other passengers and staff.

Can airport security force me to wake up or move?

In certain situations, for security or operational reasons, airport security may ask you to move or wake up. Always comply with their requests and remember they are in place to ensure the safety and smooth functioning of the airport.

Are there hotels inside airports where I can book a room for just a few hours?

Yes, many larger airports offer hotel rooms or sleep pods that can be rented hourly. These can be a convenient, though potentially pricier, alternative to sleeping in public areas of the terminal.

What’s the best way to be woken up for our flight after sleeping at the airport?

Set multiple alarms on your phone or travel clock, and notify a fellow traveler or airport staff of your flight time who might be able to assist. Also consider positioning yourself near the flight information screens to keep an eye on your flight status.

Preparing yourself and your child for sleeping at the airport can help make your travel experience smoother and less daunting. By following these comprehensive steps, you can ensure your child gets the rest they need during those long layovers or unexpected delays. Don’t forget to share this useful guide with your fellow traveling parents and explore our Airport Sleeping Pods blog for even more helpful tips and tricks to make your airport stays as comfortable as possible.

airport sleeping pods curt
Curt Morrell

Meet Curt Morrell, a connoisseur of travel and airport architecture with a unique twist. With 15+ years of experience traversing the globe and analyzing the intricacies of airport design, Curt has become an authoritative voice in the realm of transit comfort and efficiency. His background in acting adds a creative lens to his expert analysis, enabling him to tell the stories of airports and their sleeping pods in a compelling and engaging way. Curt's insights have transformed layovers for countless travelers, and his passion for harmonizing the practical with the aesthetic in airport spaces continues to push the boundaries of what we expect from our transit experiences. Trust Curt to guide you through the world of airport sleeping pods with a blend of technical expertise, creative flair, and real-world wisdom.


About Curt Morrell

Meet Curt Morrell, a connoisseur of travel and airport architecture with a unique twist. With 15+ years of experience traversing the globe and analyzing the intricacies of airport design, Curt has become an authoritative voice in the realm of transit comfort and efficiency. His background in acting adds a creative lens to his expert analysis, enabling him to tell the stories of airports and their sleeping pods in a compelling and engaging way. Curt's insights have transformed layovers for countless travelers, and his passion for harmonizing the practical with the aesthetic in airport spaces continues to push the boundaries of what we expect from our transit experiences. Trust Curt to guide you through the world of airport sleeping pods with a blend of technical expertise, creative flair, and real-world wisdom.

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